California Emotional Support Dog Evaluation - ESA Letter for Housing & Travel

Maximize your rights while traveling with your emotional support dog by getting an official ESA letter. We’ll put you in touch with a licensed therapist, and over the course of a few sessions your therapist will evaluate your need for an emotional support animal and issue an ESA prescription letter valid for 1 year for housing, travel, and all other needs, if deemed appropriate.

$249.00 $199.00

Say Goodbye to Pet Fees*

With our FHA and ACAA compliant ESA Letter, you don’t have to pay pricey airline fees or pet deposits.

  • Save an average of $200 per trip to fly with your dog
  • Waived pet deposits for rentals will save you hundreds per year!
Connect With a Therapist in as Little as 24 Hours
Official Letter valid in all 50 States
No Prior Diagnosis Required
Travel & Housing Compliant

The Most Reliable Online ESA Evaluation Service

Other online services grant you a letter after a quick questionnaire… don’t be fooled. The only way to guarantee that your dog will be treated as a legitimate emotional support animal is to talk to a licensed therapist and receive an official, doctor-approved prescription.

  • Fast
    You’ll be assigned a therapist immediately upon purchase. They’ll be in touch within 24 hours to schedule an evaluation which only takes 30-60 minutes.
  • Easy
    Talk to a therapist over the phone, Skype, or Facetime to get approved for an ESA from the comfort of your own home.
  • Money Back Guarantee
    If your thearpist does not prescribe you an ESA Letter after your evaluation, we will provide you a full refund.

The Most Reliable Online ESA Evaluation Service

  • Connect With a Therapist in as Little as 24 Hours
  • Official Letter valid in All 50 States
  • No Prior Diagnosis Required
  • Travel & Housing Compliant

Other online services grant you a letter after a quick questionnaire… don’t be fooled. The only way to guarantee that your dog will be treated as a legitimate emotional support animal is to talk to a licensed therapist and receive an official, doctor-approved prescription.

$249.00 $199.00

Say Goodbye to Pet Fees*

With our FHA compliant ESA Letter, you won’t have to pay pricey pet deposits.

  • Save an average of $200 per trip to fly with your dog on airlines that allow ESAs
  • Waived pet deposits for rentals will save you hundreds per year!

Get Your Official ESA Letter in 3 Simple Steps

  • 1
    Connect With a Licensed Therapist
    After your ESA evaluation purchase from us, we will connect you with a licensed therapist who will work with you over the next 30 days to determine your need for an emotional support animal. As of 2022 in California, ESA letters are not valid unless the patient has been under the care of a therapist for a minimum of 30 days.
  • 2
    Your friendly, qualified therapist will ask you a series of questions over several sessions via phone or video call to determine whether you’re qualified for an ESA. Sessions are typically 30-60 minutes.
  • 3
    Get your ESA letter
    After your teletherapy session(s), you will receive your ESA letter digitally through our secure HIPAA-compliant portal if deemed appropriate. If your therapist determines that you do not qualify for the letter, you will receive a refund less a $35 consultation fee.
*DOT rule change comes into effect January 2, 2021. If travelling after that date, please check with your airline to see what is required to fly with your ESA.

ESA Letter FAQs

  • What is an ESA Letter?
    An Emotional Support Animal letter is an official document from a licensed mental health professional certifying that you require your animal as part of your treatment.
  • Why do I need an ESA letter?

    In order to travel undisturbed with your Emotional Support Dog, you need an ESA letter. Many businesses, including airlines, hotels, and restaurants will not allow your dog access without it. Many apartment buildings with no-pet policies also require an ESA.

    If you are unsure whether you need an ESA letter, we encourage you to check with the place(s) of business in which you would like to bring your emotional support animal. As of 2020, most domestic airlines do require ESA letters.

  • How do I get an ESA letter?

    If you need an Emotional Support Animal Letter and do not regularly see a therapist that can prescribe you one, we can connect you with a mental health professional for a video call evaluation. If appropriate, the therapist will prescribe an ESA letter, which will be sent to you electronically via our secure HIPAA-compliant portal.

    Click “Add to Cart” in order to start the process. Once you pay, a therapist will be randomly assigned to you. They will follow up with you to schedule a time that is convenient for you for your first evaluation which will take place through Skype or FaceTime. Multiple sessions may be required for the therapist to fully understand your condition, but this is rare.

    As this is a referral to an outside practitioner for teletherapy session(s), no guarantee is made that the practitioner will deem your condition worthy of an ESA letter. Each case is unique. However, if the therapist declines to issue an ESA letter to you, you will be entitled to a full refund.

  • Is getting an ESA letter through you legitimate?

    Yes! Our ESA Letters are valid in all 50 states. Our therapists only prescribe a letter if they deem it necessary after a real evaluation. Your letter will be good for one year and will satisfy the requirements set forth by the FHA and ACAA and allow you to bring an emotional support animal with you in the cabin of an airplane and into your apartment or dorm room.

    You may renew your ESA letter after it expires directly with your therapist.

  • Why are other ESA letters less expensive?

    Many other websites provide cheap letters from a template after having you fill out a short questionnaire or quick consultation. These are typically not accepted by landlords or airlines and may even be illegal, especially in California where new rules came into effect in 2022. We seek to refer you to real, licensed therapists for teletherapy sessions. Consequently, an ESA therapist may not be available in your area and should that be the case, we will issue you a full refund and refer you to other services that may be able to help.